Welcome to the Pa Dutch Gift Haus!
Whether you're looking for hand-painted hex signs, beautiful jewelry, books and other novelties about the Pa Dutch culture, you've come to the right place!
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This is a wonderful white color matted wedding fraktur for any family or friend who just got married or has been married. The basic information about a Pa Dutch fraktur is Fraktur-Schriften (also spelled Fractur-Schrift) refers to the manuscript illuminations and calligraphy of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Fraktur means to use Gothic style letter characters in combination with design and or decoration in color. On the family level:”Familien Register” was a family register, “Trau-Segen”a wedding certificate, ‘Haus Segen” a house blessing often with a prayer, Following the prior two may come ‘,Geburts-Schein’a birth certificate and ‘Tauf-Schein’a baptismal certificate. The more important examples were probably done by teachers or professionals with additional embellishments added later by recipients.
We have been around for 60 years selling Pa Dutch gifts for many generations to enjoy in their home. Our knowledge about the culture has helped many learn the differences between the Amish and the fancy Dutch. We also have a wide verity of gifts that are vintage and no longer produced which makes it hard to find. We are here to help you connect, educate and decorate the Pa Dutch culture in your home and with family! We are also care about the environment by reusing and recycling where possible in our business. Please call us for more direct questions and excellent customer service, we are here to help you!
store owner
The Pennsylvania Dutch Gift Haus has been around for 60 years selling Pa Dutch gifts for many generations to enjoy in their home. Back in 2020 we moved to online only and we now focus on selling the iconic item of the culture, the hex sign. You will also find all kinds of cultural items like books, jewelry, trivets, custom made items and something new, our kitchen surprise boxes! We are here to help you connect, educate and decorate the Pa Dutch culture in your home and with family!